Fragrances often evoke a certain moment in time, a place, or a memory. Your thoughts wander off and, before you know it, you’ve been transported back in time, savouring and indulging in that moment of goodness once again. It's a fragrance that gives you the wonderful feeling that Maastricht conjures up. Ton sur Ton is a fragrance you want to capture and cherish forever. Perfect for him and her, this exclusive perfume is truly ‘Made in Maastricht’: its roots are firmly in the city.
Beauty and culture, knowledge and innovation, historic highlights and trendy hotspots. All these opposites, contrasts, and diversity are locked into that elegant bottle. Connected to each other, in perfect harmony. Tastes, colours, hues... Together making the essence of Maastricht. Together making Ton sur Ton. This is your Maastricht.
Buy the parfum at Maastricht Store