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Vintage shopping in Maastricht

Vintage clothes shopping has never been as popular as it is now. Alongside the fact that ‘fashion cycling’ is good for the environment, vintage clothes are often much more unique than the items you’ll find in high-street stores. But did you know that Maastricht is the perfect city to find vintage clothes and products? The city also has a fantastic antiques market on Markt square every Saturday alongside a (now regular) Vintage Market in the bustling neighbourhood of Wyck. New to the world of vintage shopping? Don’t fear: we’re here to help you. Here are some tips from an expert!

Tips from the expert

Tips from the expert: Lisa Deenen, employee at We-ar Vintage, gave us the best tips. Keep these things in mind when you’re shopping...

  1. Be open-minded. We all know that the times you’re looking for a specific item are when you’ll find nothing at all. Keeping an open mind when you’re out shopping will maximize your chances of bagging that unique item!
  2. Don’t look at the sizes. Clothing can be old or from a designer from another country (where they use different size systems). You can make your vintage items even more unique by having them custom-fitted at a tailor’s. 
  3. Go shopping during the week. The city is often packed at weekends, and you’ll be lucky to find a free changing room. Taking the time (and enjoying the space) during the week will make the whole vintage shopping experience much more pleasant.
  4. Pay attention to materials and colours. Feel the clothes and look around, and ask the shop assistants for advice. See what suits you and what material or colour you like.
  5. Always try on the clothes. Clothing falls differently on different people. You should also try on an item you think won’t look right on you – you might be pleasantly surprised!


Thanks for the tips! But where can I find all these clothes?

We-ar Vintage & Design
Achter het Vleeshuis 33 & Rechtstraat 52

Vintage Island
Platielstraat 1A

Bredestraat 16 en Bredestraat 33

Achter het Vleeshuis 19

Magnolia Thrift Store
Rechtstraat 72 

We say: head to the market!

Fancy a rummage around a market? Then keep an eye on the Wyck Vintage Market website for the latest market dates. The city also has a fantastic antiques market on Markt square every Saturday, where you’ll also find some vintage fashion!